Fat Retention as a Survival Technique

11:34 PM Alan Bracken

We all require certain amount of body fat in live without major diseases and nutritional deficiencies. This is true regardless of gender and affiliation or race. The fat acts as insulation and storage mechanism for energy reserves. Without the presence of fat our bodies cannot function properly. We would lack energy because we are not creating reserves during times of plenty. If we lived in a cold climate then we would be very uncomfortable due to the lack of insulation against the elements. This is clearly a list of reasons why the body cannot do without fat. It therefore makes no sense whatsoever to suggest that in order to lose weight, all fat consumption must completely stop. That is what some of our most popular diets advocate.

Whereas the majority of methods of losing weight that are employed these days involve safe methods but often all that good work is spoilt by the addition of unsafe methods such as pills, drugs that induce vomiting, drugs that induce uncontrolled diarrhea and general starvation. These methods might bring about weight loss in the short term but ultimately they will damage your health so badly that it will no longer be worth it to continue on those schemes. The best way to deal with weight issues is to have some changes in your lifestyle and look at the people around you. Eating a controlled diet is not a bad thing as long as you do not become obsessed with it to the extent that you lose all reason and a sense of proportion and self control.

You must also remember that as you starve your body of fat, you may be starving yourself of other nutrients that are vital for your well being. Of course people can decide to eat fruit until they start to lose weight. The problem with this strategy is that it assumes that human beings do not have cravings of nice things. That is so far off the truth. Fatty foods tend to taste better than non fatty foods unless you have a very good level of self discipline. The cravings will come and the diet will go straight out of the window.

While the end goal of losing weight is something that you want you don't want to stuff yourself full of artificial nutrients that may harm you in the long run. Extended dieting even naturally can be harmful to your body. When you diet you need to set a target weight for yourself and simply reduce your intake and increase your activity. When you reach this target weight stop and take a look at yourself.

Cardio Vascular Assistance to Weight Watchers

1:22 PM Alan Bracken

With reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I have always operated on the understanding that the best way to carry out physical activity for the purpose of losing weight to achieve fat loss is to use plenty of exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system . This is not to say that with reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I have not been put off by some of the advice from my pals who say that exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system is a waste of time. Apparently they believe that doing exercises that place an endurance stress on major muscle types is the best way to effect the gradual loss of fat molecules in favor of muscle fiber .

Logic tells me that exercises that place an endurance stress on major muscle types helps to build muscle rather than to effect the gradual loss of fat molecules in favor of muscle fiber but sometimes it is no good trying to argue with individuals who have an interest in the control of weight but are stuck in their own ways. Suffice to say that with reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I am happily continuing in my use of exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system to lose the excess fat that I may have accumulated.

With reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I also like exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system because it makes me feel healthier. In terms of my own experience of dieting and weight control I think that this is mainly due to the fact that with reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I am exercising the heart on a fairly regular basis when I am doing exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system such that I find that things such as my palpitations go down and I feel much better than if I am not doing exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system . With reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I also tend to find that the more I do exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system the easier it is for me to complete the other tasks within my program. It seems that exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system is the key to all the work that I do in the exercise facility. Without doing proper exercises that put some level of strain on the cardiovascular system , my work in the gym does not really kick off.

When with reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I shared this information with my friends they said that they felt the same way but had been trained to use weights because that is what is considered to be the quickest route to fat loss and muscle gain. We tend to practice the program and even if we know that something is not effective we will somehow find an excuse to make others believe that it does deliver the results. With reference to my own experience of dieting and weight control I suppose my confusion is just indicative of the problems that individuals who have an interest in the control of weight face when they ask for advice on how to achieve fat loss.

The diet and weight control system is widely self controlling so that no one is able to definitively define what it is to be in the diet and weight control system and how it impacts on those that work in it. Finding the right data to assist them in the quest for a good weight level is a nearly impossible scenario which does not give the diet and weight control system a platform to operate successfully. One would expect that the people with dietary qualifications within the dieting diet and weight control system would ensure that customers receive spot on information.